Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker has been updated

New version of Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker is now available. Now it shows proper device icons for the latest models (iPhone 5C & iPhone 5S) when browsing for iCloud backups, and fixes several minor problems such as incorrect icon for white iPhone 5, and handling some network errors while gathering information of backups from the iCloud. Additionally, in the list of iClous backups, more "friendly" name of the device is now shown, like iPad Mini (GSM+CDMA) instead of iPad2,7.

Social and Communications category now also includes Viber.

As a side note, the separate Mail category has been removed (merged into the Other one), because in fact it is possible to extract only some mails that were accessed through the browser, and even if more mails is cached on the device, it is not included into backup.

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